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Monday 10 December 2012

Swimsuit season is upon us...

...and I've lost 12kg since starting this blog, and 16kg since starting my journey, so guess what!? This summer I WILL buy myself a new swimsuit!

Just under six months ago, I started this little blog about my weight loss journey. There's been ups and downs like every other time I've been riding the weight loss train. Somehow though, I never let it get the better of me, and I've persevered. I might have fallen off the wagon in terms of tracking, but I haven't yet blown out entirely. I'm not sure why this is, but I think it's because I haven't deprived myself of some of my favourite bad foods: pizza and ice cream. I just don't see the point. I am still leading a healthy lifestyle and have made the changes to enrich my quality of life. But, I digress.

Time to go shopping!

I am actually really excited to be going shopping for a new swimsuit. All this time, I had almost forgotten what it was that my blog was all about. I was reminded a little while ago by the lovely Ms Puggy at A Girl and Some Clothes by her Retro Glamour by the Pool post that I really ought to start thinking about looking at new swimsuits, but it wasn't until yesterday that I looked at my profile in the mirror and realised how fantastic I look. Yes, you did just read that. I called myself fantastic. Quick, take my temperature, those words won't type themselves too often. I feel so damned great that I am finally ready to take on the daunting yet exciting task of trying on and purchasing a new swimsuit.
Thanks to the world of online shopping, I can do a bit of window shopping to see what it is that I really like the look of. I'm finding a lot of sites (like Birdsnest (again, thanks Ms Puggy), Roxy and Seafolly) have really good measurement and size charts that enable you to see what might be a good fit for your body shape.

The only thing that looks good on me is...

Let's face it. When the girls are prominent features on your body, and your tummy isn't quite like a washboard, a bikini is never going to be your friend. It's my end goal, of course, but it's not the end of the world if I don't make it. Ergo, the only thing that looks good on me is ... generally speaking, a one piece. Occasionally, a tankini might work, but generally a one piece. 
When I was younger, as in a little girl up to the age of about 11 or 12, I wanted to wear a bikini and although I knew I was bigger than the other girls, I always felt sad that I could never wear one. Today, I embrace my curves and revel in the fact that there are swimsuits out there that suit my body shape and give me definition and, alright I'll say it, have the ability to make me look as sexy as someone in a bikini. Maybe I might not be everyone's idea of sexy, but if A digs it, then I dig it. He saw the window shopping on the screen before and got excited at the styles of swimsuits I've been looking at. 
Polyvore is something I tried to get into earlier this year, but when I was feeling fat and frumpy and poor, it really wasn't up my alley. Now that I'm not so fat and frumpy, I'm finding it's awesome to help me style outfits that I'd love to wear. Note that I left out the word 'poor' from the statement '...not so fat and frumpy'. Polyvore still makes me feel as poor as ever, but like Ms Puggy's Capsule Wardrobe collection, I've started a collection of my own:  In My Wardrobe. Polyvore lets you mix and match items in a similar fashion to what Alicia Silverstone did in Clueless when she was putting together an outfit for school or the mall or lazing about the house. Further, I digress. 
Polyvore is also helping me with the task of window shopping for an appropriate swimsuit. Admittedly, some of them may be a little far-fetched in price, but a girl can dream, right?

Anyway, it's getting late and I want some sleep, so keep the eyes peeled in the next few days for some swimsuit window shopping, courtesy of Polyvore.


Anonymous said...

Well done Hollie.. I'm so proud of you. I was going to say it's not easy losing the weight,,but i think it should read, it's not easy fighting your own demons that keep you from succeeding. To be honest, I always think a one piece is more flattering than a bikini...and sexier... so rock the one piece proudly.. maybe even show us a picture so we can celebrate along with you :)

Ms Puggy said...

Oh gosh you flatter me! I am so glad you are feeling great! Looking forward to seeing what swimsuit you choose!

Hollie said...

Aw thanks Yvonne! *hugs*
For the first time in my life, I won't mind posting a photo of myself in my swimsuit - I've worked bloody hard (well, pretty hard) to get here, so I am not ashamed at all to do it!

Hollie said...

I take so much inspiration from your posts m'dear!
I really cannot wait to go shopping for a new swimsuit. Payday is Thursday but I have bills to pay (and new goggles i.e. spectacles to collect) so swimsuit will have to wait til after Christmas. Can't contain my excitement though *squeeee*

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