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Saturday, 26 January 2013

Standards: Clothing. Self. People.

It's been 25 days since my last blog post. I wrote about what I wanted to achieve in 2013 (see here). So far, I can definitely say I've had a RHG (if I wanted to be all technical, which I usually am, it should probably be 'an RHG', given that the letter R is pronounced 'arh' and therefore constitutes a vowel-sounding pronunciation) at numbers 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 12. That's over half of them. In 26 days. There's still 339 days left to go. Here's what I've done (maybe not in so much detail) to get going on them:

1. Be confident

There are a few ways that this has been achieved. 

  • Given my new-found (old) shape, I've started experimenting more with outfits and hair and makeup. I've dressed up to go to work (see below pictures (and apologies for the horrible images, my phone really is that bad - roll on March when I can get a new one)) which is something that I wouldn't normally do. I've had a few compliments too, which gives me the confidence to try and try again.

  • There's been a few personal issues that I would have usually ignored (and for privacy reasons I don't want to divulge any further, sorry) but I took a stand and voiced my opinion and shared my feelings. The old me (from another chapter in my life) would have just let the feelings be subdued and I would have forged on without listening to myself. The few people I have shared my problems with have told me that it takes real guts to do what I did, so for that, I thank them for their honesty and support.
3.  Take risks

The risks I have taken can be attributed to the confidence I have gained, so really can't go into too much detail here, other than these risks have succeeded so far!

5. Learn Spanish

I contacted a few people who posted ads on Gumtree offering Spanish for English. Heck, I even answered an add for someone offering Chinese for English. Can't hurt, right? Despite my best efforts, nothing further has come of this. There was one or two emails or texts exchanged, and nothing further. I also think I ought to put up my own ad on Gumtree offering English for Spanish. I'm too poor right now to get Spanish tuition, but once our finances start to build up, it might be an option.
However, I have borrowed 'Spanish For Dummies' from a good friend to help me in my plight. His partner (also of course a good friend!) speaks fluent Spanish as her family is Argentinian. Now, I must start reading that book and perhaps investing in English/Spanish dictionaries etc.

6. Make new friends

Given that I started working at a new place of employment just before November, I am kind of on the way to making new friends. Some of the friendships have started to extend to the realms of social media, however this may also be due to the fact that adding new people to social media outlets is the done thing. I don't know. Anyway, these work friends are pretty cool, and maybe hanging out outside of work could eventuate. You just never now.

8. Be the best lover to my partner

I'd like to think that I'm doing okay in this department. This goal's intention is entirely G-rated too, by the way. I have cleaned away some stuff in order for A to build his Christmas present - a Lego Kombi Van. I provide words of support and encouragement when he practises playing guitar (which I absolutely love to listen to him playing!). I do housework when I'm physically capable. I don't ask that he picks me up from work every night (or any night other than when we have plans, in fact). I love him. A, what do you think? Am I doing okay? How can I improve?

12. Be a better friend, daughter and grandaughter

So, this one is a partial achievement, seeing as how I haven't really given much action to the last two. I need to work on those a lot.
However, I am trying to rebuild and then maintain existing friendships. Life happens. Things get in the way. But sometimes we just take friends for granted. I know that I have done this, and also been on the receiving end. It sucks. It hurts like hell. Last year, I made a big decision to leave a lot of people behind because I clearly valued the friendship more than they did. This year, I am trying to make the effort with family and friends. 
The last place I worked, I met three fabulous ladies: Hayley, Lena and Olivia. In the office, we were quite close. We would try and see each other often outside of the office. Liv left first, then me, then Hayley. Lena is still there. The four of us have not been together in almost two years. Of course, we still use modern technology to keep in touch, however face time has been lacking.
I had lunch with Lena a few weeks ago (wearing the red cardi/skirt combo up there), and as I was walking to our meeting point, I happened to run into Hayley! It was fab! Hayley came and saw Lena quickly as well, but then went out for some Vitamin D.
Lena and I enjoyed our lunch and our catch up, and it was decided that we really all needed to catch up again. That night, or the few days later, Lena organised a dinner date. Cue calendar clashes and things arising out of the blue once a date was decided, but I think we have now got a date for dinner, even if it's postponed for another month. As long as we get there in the end, everything will be okay. I'd really like to see if we can do it every month, or every two months. That would be brilliant.
There have been other friends too whom I've rebonded with this year - Kat, Rach J ('cause I have three Rachs in my life!) and Saabira. I'm hoping to continue to nurture these friendships as the year progresses, and rebond with many, many more people as well!

Why is it that some people, including me, think that family will always be there? I haven't spoken to my grandfather since Christmas Day, but I hope to see him this weekend. I have spoken to my parents a few times, and the same for my brother. Granted, given that we live in different cities, and in my brother's case, different states (not only does he live interstate, but he also works in another different state!), co-ordinating schedules and/or seeing each other regularly is never going to be an easy task, however telephones aren't a recent invention. 
That said, I always say to A on the topic of familial contact: "Your parents and grandparents worry when they don't hear from you; my parents and grandparents worry when they do!"
Here's hoping 2013 will be a better year for family and friendship nurturing.

As for the weight stuffs...

This weight loss journey has really come to a grinding halt. I don't know why, I still have 16 kilos I'd like to lose. One day, I think I've found my mojo, and just as quick as it arrives, it goes again. 

Twenty-six days in to 2013 (yay, Australia Day!) I am still 3 kilos away from where I wanted to be on 31 December 2012. I know I want to keep going with the weight loss, and I've had a few suggestions as to how to get back on track, but I am all meh about the whole thing. Now though, it's time to stop focusing on the negatives and get back on the positive train.

I have tried multiple times to write a blog post since my last entry. I have failed miserably. Is it because I have been busy? Is it because I have been lazy? Is it because I have been upset? Frankly, I have no idea whatsoever.
I've tried meal planning, I've tried budget planning for grocery shopping, I've tried to exercise. Nothing. I have told myself and others that I want to look fabulous in A's graduation photos sometime in August. Even that hasn't spurred me on.
I just checked for certain on his university's website for an exact date, but it just says August. Right. I need to get serious. I have 6 months to lose 16 kilos. That's 2.66 kilos per month. I was really, really good over the Christmas break. I didn't eat the copious amounts of shitty foods I used to.

My problem is entirely psychological, and I'm pretty sure that others will also identify with this: I can now fit into lots and lots of clothes and I feel fantastic in them, so ice cream and pizza aren't going to hurt too much, are they? Wrong. That, and all the other crap you have been eating make you feel bloated and you don't see any movement on the scales. They didn't go up, but they didn't go down.

Yesterday, I went shopping with Rach J. We hadn't seen each other since we saw Hanson in September. Yes, Hanson. THE Hanson. *swoon* Rach J has just been to see them in L.A. and Jamaica. *swoon* Cue jealousy. So happy though she got to have the time of her life over there, and it was fabulous to hear all about it yesterday!
Anyway, back to our shopping. We went to Chadstone. We did lots of walking. We ate lunch. We continued walking and shopping. Window shopping and actual shopping. Poor Rach though. I took two things into the change rooms at Sportsgirl (WTF!, I can wear things from Sportsgirl?!). One of them was horrendous on me (an oversized yellow v-neck lightweight knit), so the change room assistant went out and brought back a crew neck oversized lightweight knit in red. Colour works, size didn't (M-L). Tried on the S-M (again, wtf!?), still no dice. Same awesome assistant who wasn't a Barbie but a real person came back with two other lightweight knits in different shades of pink. These knits were much shorter, too, in comparison to the others. Instead of finishing halfway down my thighs, they finished at my hips. Perfect. It appears that we were on to a winner at last.
The first one I tried on was perfect in every way! Thank you very much, I'll laybuy that one. And, the size is M. Medium. Average. In the middle. 
The second one wasn't really so awesome. I didn't like the cut. The colour was okay-ish, but not fantastic. The change room assistant was also honest and told me it wasn't as awesome as the first one, and that at the end of the day, I had to be comfortable in what I was wearing. Kudos to her.
Finally, I got to try on the original second item I took into the change rooms. Oh, I was in love with this mint dress (the Sportsgirl site says it's aqua, but even the shop assistants said mint before I even said it) from the moment I saw it on the rack. One thing I wasn't particularly impressed with though was the low-cut arm holes. One could see a lot of side boob if a singlet or bandeau is not worn. I popped the dress on (thankfully I was wearing a singlet underneath, and a thickish one at that. I started doing the dress up, and then ran into some trouble. The stupid invisible zip wouldn't do up over the seam of the dress. Damn it. I got the assistant to help me, who couldn't do it on her own and had to get another assistant to help. Awesome. Anyway, we got the dress done up and there was room to spare (16). Winning! The only thing that was really bothering me was the side boob viewing factor. We discussed the options - tacking fabric to your bra so it's interchangeable, or wearing a bandeau. I was sold. This morning when I woke up, I had a brilliant idea: instead of tacking fabric to your bra, pop some press studs on the inside of the dress and on said interchangeable pieces of fabric. Winning!
I also purchased a beautiful purple cable knit jumper from Dangerfield. In a 12. Again, a 12. How on earth does this happen? I really need to take my measurements tomorrow. It's been 5 months since I did so.
There were also some cute underwear purchases from Cotton On, and some head ties from Dangerfield. Below are stock images of the items of clothing.

What did I learn from our shopping expedition?

1. Sizing clearly isn't standard.
2. Don't discount shops you wouldn't usually shop in.
3. Buy things you love and can see yourself wearing. Don't buy it just because it is 'in'.
4. If something BRAND NEW is on the rack and it's already damaged, how damaged is it going to get when you actually wear it (sorry, Forever New, but you did just lose a $100 sale from me)?
5. Always go with a good friend who will give you honest advice!
6. Go in with an open mind.
7. Stick to your budget. I could have spent all my money in Review, but I didn't. I didn't buy anything from Review. In fact, I all of my take home purchases were clearance items or multi-buys.

So, I have plugged today's food consumption in to MFP. I must do this religiously again. Didn't start today off well with skipping breakfast but I was apparently still tired.
Tonight's dinner is Lamb Rogan Josh made by A (from scratch) with some quinoa. Om. Nom. Nom. Hopefully we might watch a film, too.

I think that about does it for now. This is 25 days' worth of information. Will take measurements tomorrow and compare from August's measurements. 

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Resolutions, schmesolutions. Right?

Today's the day a lot of people make resolutions for the New Year. Personally, I hate them. Why? I always feel so disappointed when I break them/don't achieve them. However, this year, I really feel like I want to set myself a list of things to achieve this year. So, I made a list. On Polyvore, of course.

2013 - come at me